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Korea to face another massive shortfall in tax revenue The South Korean government is expected to see another significant shortfall in tax revenue this year, due mainly to the sluggish semiconductors industry and the real estate market slump, according to the Ministry of Economy and Finance on Thursday. The government is forecast to collect 337.7 trillion won ($254 billion) this year, 29.6 trillion won -- 8.1 percent -- less than the ministry's earl.. 2024. 9. 27.
Why Japanese stocks are on a rollercoaster ride As fears of American recession spread, stockmarkets around the world have been jittery. - recession: 불황 The moves have been the wildest of all in Japan. 2024. 8. 6.
8/6 Caregivers They have also passed a comprehensive background check, health examination and language proficiency assessment. - comprehensive: 포괄적인 - assesment: 평가 During the pilot program, the caregivers will be accomodated in shared housing near Yeoksam Station. - accomodate: (살거나 지낼) 공간을 제공하다. 수용하다 we are thoroughly preparing by inspecting accommodations, training facilities, and educational content, as we.. 2024. 8. 6.
8/5 Spooked market Official employment data showed that US employers added 114,000 jobs in July, far fewer than expected / while the unemployment rate ticked up. 실업률이 상승하는 동안 예상보다 훨씬 적었습니다. Inflation in Japan rose by more than expected in June / while the economy shrank in the first three months of the year / because of a weaker yen and poor household spending. 엔화 약세와 가계지출 부진으로 올해 첫 3개월간 경제가 위축된 가운데 일본의 6월 인플레이션이 .. 2024. 8. 5.
[기사] Rebuilding Ukraine will require money, but also tough reforms Finance & economics / 2023-06-22 20:211 20230624_FNP003.jpg Ukraine suffered a brutal winter. Russia lobbed missiles at civilian and energy infrastructure, attempting to terrorise the population and cut off the green shoots of economic growth. It had some success. A sentiment indicator surveying Ukrainian firms hit a low in January. But as the country’s soldiers began their counter-offensive, so.. 2023. 6. 26.
뉴욕타임즈 무료로 보기 1) https://sfpl.libanswers.com/faq/166904 접속 2) 'click link' 클릭 3) 'Redeem' 클릭 4) 뉴욕타임즈 로그인 5) 끝(72시간 이후 다시 신청 가능) - 출처: https://m.blog.naver.com/seer_lee/223034980893 2023. 3. 23.
[스크립트] 모비우스 [스크립트] should 03:02 We shouldn't be here when it gets dark. 어두워지기 전에 이곳에서 나가야 합니다 05:35 Should be able to take better care of you here. 여기서 지내면 더 편할 게다 08:35 You shouldn't have unfolded this. 이걸 펼친 거 후회할걸 15:15 I should've died years ago, Martine. 난 오래전에 죽을 몸이었어 [설명] should ~ 하는게 좋겠어 should not ~ 하지 않는게 좋겠어 should have p.p 1. ~했어야 했어 2. ~했어야 했는데 못했어 3. ~했을 거야 (추측) : with (by + 특정시간) should be ab.. 2023. 2. 26.
ChatGPT 로 영어 공부하기 ChatGPT 를 영어 공부에 활용할 수 있다는 건 상상도 못했는데.. 역시 런던쌤~대박♥ [요약] 문장이 어색한지 물어보기 Is this sentence natural and correct? "How were your day?" 추가 옵션 요청하기 Give me more options 동일한 문장을 다른 환경에 적용해보기 Say "How was your day?" but for work environment. 5 options 문장(내가 쓴 영어문장) 고치기 "..." Please correct this text for me 문법 물어보기 I want to learn the grammar - look, sound and seem. Please make a dialog. A2 level 설명을 쉽게 요청.. 2023. 2. 20.
영문법 강의 영문법을 한번쯤 다시 정리하고 싶을 때 들으면 좋을 것 같다. [교재] EBSi 강의노트 영문법 Rose Lee의 Grammar Holic - YES24 EBSi 강의노트 영문법 Rose Lee의 Grammar Holic www.yes24.com [인강] 로즈리의 Grammar Holic - 영문법 특강 [기본개념] 로즈리의 Grammar Holic-영문법 특강 [기본개념] 로즈리의 Grammar Holic-영문법 특강 www.ebsi.co.kr 아래 인강은 Opic 공부할 때 참고했던 강의인데 도움이 많이 됐었다. 너튜브에는 주제별로 묶여 있지 않아서 아래 사이트에서 강사님 이름을 검색해서 보는게 더 나을 듯 하다. 영어 공부법 특강 (이현석) 영어 공부법 특강 - 교육의 중심 EBS home.ebse.. 2023. 2. 9.
World's largest active volcano Mauna Loa erupts on Big Island ash ash is the grey or black powdery substance that is left after something is burnt debris pieces, remains or pieces from an explosion or the destruction of something larger rift zone area where the volcano is rifting or splitting apart evacuate to move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe oceanogrphic related to the science of the oceanm including chemistry, geology, meteorology 2023. 1. 13.