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[영어공부법] 4. 합성어 1. 합성 형용사 She's very well-known in the field. My room is well-organized. (깔끔하게 정리정돈 되어 있는) The traffic is well-organized. Recycling is very well-practiced. (잘 정착되어 있다, 잘 실행에 옮겨지다) He's very hard-working. (열심히 하는) I am a trustworthy person. (믿을만한) He's very laid-back. (여유있는 성격) 2. - + friendly (친화적인) Hybrid cars are eco-friendly. The website is mobile-friendly. The app is user-friendly. 3. I live.. 2021. 10. 31.
[영어공부법] 3. 형용사 표현력↑ 1. 상태 표현 형용사 The baby was adorable. She's very good-looking. I ate too fast because I was starving. I'm stuffed. I'm burnt-out. (기진맥진하다) 2. 명사 + y The meat is very juicy. Organic food is quiet pricy. (꽤 비싸다) The floor is very slippery. The rice-cake is very chewy. (쫄깃쫄깃하다) My nose is stuffy. (답답하다) The air is stuffy. The room is stuffy. My eyes are burning. (쓰라리다. 타들어가다) My stomach is burni.. 2021. 10. 31.
[영어공부법] 2. 주어 1. 일반적인 행위 서술 주어 (You/They) - 해석할 필요가 없다. You have to eat well. They have wi-fi the most coffee places. 2. 행위 주어 동명사 Washing your hands well / can prevent diseases. Drinking a lot of water / is good for your health. Having a cell phone / makes a big difference. Meeting new people / is very exciting. Being healthy / has to do with exercising. (연관되어 있다) 3. 관계대명사 포함 주어 The last time that I went sho.. 2021. 10. 31.
[영어공부법] 1. 명사 복수형 1. 일반적인 행위 묘사 I like to ride bikes. I like to take walks in the park. I go to parks to get some exercise. 2. 변동폭이 있는 명사 Comsumer prices are rising. Oil prices are dropping. Gas prices are on the rise. (휘발유 가격) Stock prices are falling (주가) Gold prices are at a record-high. (역대 최고치) 3. 항상 복수형 명사 I need to but a new pair of pants. I sent the jeans back because I didn't like them. It's too cold to .. 2021. 10. 31.
[오픽] 롤플레이13 (Problem-Solution, Past Experience) 1. 깔끔한 문장 구성 2. Hyperbole (과장법) 3. Filler 2021. 10. 31.
[오픽] 롤플레이12 (Problem-Ask Question-Response) - Explain the problem - 1st Question - 1st Response (No) - 2nd Question (yes) Could you 로 물어봤다면... You Could? 으로 대답해야 함 - 출처: 오픽노잼 2021. 10. 31.
[오픽] 롤플레이11 (Talk to someone, in Situation) 1분 이내 질문/대답 3개 반복... - 출처: 오픽노잼 2021. 10. 31.
[오픽] 어려운 질문에 답이 안나올 때 - AS-IS - TO-BE - 출처: 오픽노잼 2021. 10. 31.
[오픽] Comparison Strategy - 1 참고) --- - 출처: 오픽노잼 2021. 10. 30.
[오픽] Filler Filler 는 빠르고 짧게~ - You know, - right What am I trying to say... - 출처: 오픽노잼 2021. 10. 30.