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Diary of a Wimpy Kid

by ㅋㅕㅋㅕㅇㅣ 2023. 1. 13.

First of all, let me get something straight.

우선, 똑바로하겠습니다.


All I need is for some jerk to catch me carrying this book around and get the wrong idea.

내가 필요한 건 내가 이 책을 들고 다니면서 잘못된 생각을 하는 걸 간파하는 얼간이뿐이다.


I want to clear up right away is that / this was Mom's idea, not mine.

바로 정리하고 싶은 것은 이것이 내 생각이 아니라 엄마의 생각이었다는 점이다.


You've got kids like me / who haven't hit their growth spurt yet / mixed in with these gorillas who need to shave twice a day.

하루에 두 번 면도를 해야 하는 이 고릴라들 사이에는 아직 급성장하지 않은 나 같은 아이들이 있습니다.


And then they wonder why bullying is such a big problem in middle school.

그리고 나서 왜 따돌림이 중학교에서 그렇게 큰 문제인지 궁금해합니다.


If it was up to me, grade levels would be based on height, not age. 

나에게 달려 있다면 학년은 나이가 아니라 키를 기준으로 할 것입니다.


On the first day of school, you've got to be real careful where you sit.

등교 첫날에는 자리에 정말 조심해야 합니다.

- Have to
  Signals both personal and external necessity.
  Americans prefer have to for this meaning and use must for inferences
- Have got to
  Expresses an urgent necessity, mostly in informal context
  ex) I've got to go (= gotta go)


 And kids like Ronnie McCoy are scratching their heads wondering what the heck happened.

그리고 Ronnie McCoy 같은 아이들은 도대체 무슨 일이 일어났는지 궁금해하며 머리를 긁적입니다.


The things that really stinks is that I have always been into girls, but kids like Bryce have only come around in the last couple of years

정말 역겨운 점은 내가 항상 여자를 좋아했지만 Bryce와 같은 아이들은 지난 몇 년 동안에야 돌아왔다는 것입니다.
